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Farid Ahmed's contract with Walthamstow

• Farid is fighting for cleaner and safer streets in Walthamstow. Only Farid can deliver real change for our area. "Liberal Democrat MPs were more highly regarded by their constituents than Conservative or Labour were by theirs" Independent PoliticsHome largest representative UK poll, Autumn 2009 • Farid is fighting to protect our local NHS services from Labour health cuts across London. With the Conservatives out of the race, the choice is between Farid Ahmed and Gordon Brown's Labour candidate in our area. Farid lives locally and is making a difference in our area. As our local MP, Farid Ahmed will put local people first and deliver real change and fairness for our area. • Farid and the Liberal Democrats want 3,000 more police paid for by scrapping ID cards.

I will put local people first. I will be there to help, listen to your concerns and stand up for our community. I will: • have an office in the constituency open at least 5 days a week. • hold regular surgeries in easily accessible places. • ask you every year to complete a survey about what matters to you and report back on what I am doing. • work all year round fighting for a better Walthamstow.

I will make sure your voice is heard - locally and at Westminster. I will be a strong voice for Walthamstow. I will: • fight for local NHS services. • campaign for Cleaner Safer Streets. • fight for more Police for our area. • meet regularly with local service providers like the police, health services and residents' groups.

I will be open and honest about all expenses incurred in representing you. I will: • publish details on my personal website. • answer questions you may have about them promptly. • not profit personally from the use of expenses. • pay taxes in the United Kingdom.

Leaflet details

Sunday, 25 Apr, 2010
Published by
Liberal Democrats

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