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Vote Peter Roberts for Northe East Cambridgeshire

"It's been a privilege to campaign on your behalf for nearly three years and I'm now asking for your vote at the General Election so I can do it full time. I stand for fairness above everything else; fairness for our children, our pensioners and our families."

"Like most of us I come from humble beginnings, and believe that it is only through hard work that you achieve anything. I do not seek the office of your Member of Parliament for personal gain, but to serve the public and our democracy which I consider an honour ans a privilege."

You have 3 Tory MEPS 13 Tory County Councillors and over 40 district councillors

That's a lot of Tories doing almost nothing for the people of North East Cambridgeshire.

Our local democracy needs proper checks and balances.

The Lib Dems CANNOT win here.

Leaflet details

Tuesday, 04 May, 2010
East of England
Published by
Labour Party

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