Kaye Kilpatrick - The Unionist choice
Kilpatrick is the only unionist candidate in North Down who has always been a unionist. Sinn Fein are the enemy devoted to the destruction of Northern Ireland, DUP let unionists down. Lady Hermon is more Labour than independent. TUV supports tax incentives for families, tax cuts for working people and more focus on frontline service provision in the NHS. TUV opposes the 'surrender' to Sinn Fein on policing and will seek an expansion of the police force to meet rises in crime. Stormont has failed, denying the basic democratic right of an Official Opposition. TUV supports voluntary coalition and rejects the idea of 'joint authority'.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Thursday, 13 May, 2010
- Region
- Northern Ireland
- Published by
- Traditional Unionist Voice - TUV
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